Thursday, August 16, 2007

diaper time!

It's Mr. Diaper-head!

Just a little update on cloth diapers. A few customers have come in lately specifically for the cloth dipes, and it has been a joy to help them find what they need. One woman had received a bunch of dipes as a gift. She brought them in to the store and we quickly inventoried them to determine what else she would need to complete her newborn stash. Another lovely customer came in and we sent her home with a diaper library -- she took home a variety of dipes to show her husband in the hopes that she could bring him around.

We really love cloth diapering. There's a nice article on called the Joy of Cloth Diapers that talks about many aspects of cloth diapers. In my opinion, they're better for the environment, cheaper, and just darn cute! A lot of people are freaked out by the mess factor, but the bottom line is if you have an adequate stash, you only end up doing an extra load of laundry every two to three days.

So, we're still deciding which types of diapers we will carry in the long run, but I'm pleased that people are able to come to our shop to see the dipes in person.


Anonymous said...

Why does my nephew have a diaper on his head?

Anonymous said...

omg, I loooove that picture of Simon!

So glad to hear that things are still movin' & you've got a REAL sign!!! :o)

Not sure if I've already told you, but I LOVE the way you display the mei tais.